Amsterdam Airport cargo volumes up with 11% in comparison with 2019
Almost 787,000 passengers flew from, via or to Schiphol in April 2021. In April 2020, when Schiphol felt major effects of COVID-19, that number was 127,000. In April 2019, 6.1 million passengers travelled through Schiphol.
The number of flights to and from Schiphol was 13,722 – more than 65% fewer than in April 2019. The number of cargo flights increased to 2,070 (+13% compared to 2020, +84% compared to 2019), which contributed to a 51% increase in transported tonnage compared to last year and a 11% increase compared to 2019.
Schiphol passengers volumes still slow but slightly improving
Of the almost 787,000 passengers in April, almost 460,000 passengers had a transfer at Schiphol. The travellers with a transfer were almost 230,000 unique passengers, who are counted two times in the international counting method: as an arriving passenger and departing passenger.
Schiphol cargo figures continue growth
The number of all-cargo flights has increased, from 1,124 to 2,070, compared to 2019. This compensates for the tonnage normally transported on passenger flights, with the total transported volume increasing by 11% to more than 140,000 tonnes, compared with 2019.
Photo: EQRoy /