The new ship queuing process at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach that went into effect on November 16 has been successful in creating a safer and more environmentally sound system, says Captain Kip Louttit, executive director of the Marine Exchange of Southern California.

In an update on the Exchange’s Facebook page, Louttit said, “The backup continues but vessels loitering in SoCal Waters are happily decreasing per the new container vessel queuing system that is spreading the ships out through the Pacific and enabling slow-speed-steaming, increasing safety and air quality.”

The new process keeps eastbound vessels heading for the ports at a minimum of 150 miles from the coast as they wait to berth.

On November 24, Louttit noted on Facebook: “To be clear, this system does not increase the speed of container vessels coming to a berth nor goods movement ashore. … Industry took it upon itself to do what could do within the scope of its ability and authority to increase safety and air quality in Southern California, it’s working thus far.”


Photo: TonelsonProductions /