4.1 - added-values-exclusivity

Exclusividad regional


Análysis de riesgo global

Referencias destacadas


Código de ética


The Atlas Logistic Network is proud to announce they have concluded a worldwide deal applicable in more than 250 countries to have financial analytics of international companies visualized.

Credit Risk Management reports will be able to be produced within 24 hours in almost 100 countries on a global scale where annual financial reporting is compulsory by the government.

In all other regions where these rules are not applicable, we will be able to give you feedback within 3 days maximum.

Every Atlas members will be granted access and will have the tools available to minimalize it’s risk to defaults, accounting depreciation or bankruptcy on global base.

With this complete financial business information, Atlas members are able to check the solvency of global enterprises in an quick and yet simple way. You will be able to know if a company is creditworthy before entering into any critical financial commitment.

Thanks to our overall agreement, Atlas is able to offer this service to all of our members at the interesting price of only :

$ 50.00 per company report

In case the information obtained is not complete or not available, no charge will be applied