Atlas Concept – Code of Ethics
- Atlas members commit to contribute to the goals of the network as outlined in the concept
details - Atlas members commit to work closely together in a friendly family atmosphere respecting each other culture, religion and political situation.
- Atlas members commit to support as much as possible the running programs offered by the network i.e. container incentive programs, insurance programs …
- Atlas members commit to work in compliance with the worldwide anti-corruption rules and regulations as outlined in detail by the Atlas Logistic Network.
- Atlas members commit to honor the rules and regulations set by both the network and FIATA in respect of the usage of the “Atlas Line” house bills of lading.
- Atlas members commit to honour the rules and regulations set by the USA Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) and from any other national or international shipping forwarding or maritime association.
- Atlas members commit to reply to all freight inquiries within 48hrs, if possible even within 24hrs.
- Atlas members refrain from back-selling to each other’s customers both at country of origin and country of destination.
- Atlas members commit to reply to all sales leads within 72 hrs.
- Atlas members commit to pay their membership fees and any other dues linked to atlas programs or conferences in a timely manner and not later then 30 days after invoice date.
- Atlas members commit to attend the annual atlas World Conference.