Atlas Line NVOCC house bills of lading
NVOCC Atlas Line
The flagship of the Atlas Logistic Network is our NVOCC called ‘Atlas Line’. Our NVOCC has been operational since 1998 and as such it is one of the longest standing NVOCC’s in the history of the forwarding network industry.
Most logistic and forwarding networks do not even have an NVOCC, nor do they have house bills of lading. They are simply afraid of the liabilities and prefer to abstain and cash their membership fees without offering this return on investment to their members.
Unique Atlas House bills of lading to develop your business
Our house bill of lading is an officially recognized negotiable document, accepted by all bankers worldwide on a global scale. As such, it can be used for any type of trade between continents, whether FCL, LCL, break-bulk, OOG, roro or heavy lift shipment is involved. If properly covered by an insurance policy for charterers liabilities, it can even be used for chartering activities.
Taking it one step further…
- Atlas has its own FMC-approved OTI and NVOCC with FMC Bond and US Customs Code 3 international carriers bond.
- As an agent of Atlas Line International Ltd, you will be able to issue a house bill of lading to and from the USA.
- If required we can also sign contracts with ocean carriers on your behalf under FMC rules and regulations.
- For the trade lane between India and the USA, Atlas Line has ranked in the top 5 NVOCC for 5 consecutive years.
- Our house bills of lading are fraud protected by an online registration system which is directly connected to our insurance network. The system protects us against misuse and has proven to be waterproof.
A dedicated NVOCC house bill of lading is more than just one of the benefits to the network membership. In 2013, more than 20.000 sets have been issued, putting Atlas Line on the global map of NVOCCs.