One 2 one meetings
The one to one meetings are the starting point for every business relationship when you are entering our Atlas Logistic Network’s conference.
It is the kick off towards a lasting friendship of building a close relationship with your highly valued associated member. It is the building of knowing your partner individually and respecting each other’s skills and personality although you might be ocean’s away from each other.
Atlas policy
Within the Atlas Logistic Network we contribute 30 minutes per meeting slot to our members thus allowing them to actively working together rather than giving them the impression of a short speed dating of 20 to 30 minutes.
The 2nd and 3th day of our full meeting conference are totally committed to increase our members business potential with their pro-active colleague networkers in harmony together. The focus is on creating mutual fruitful business relationship ending into a friendship for life.
What is your one to one policy?
When the first networks were appearing in the late 90’s the internet and email did not yet have the same influence they have today. Those days, forwarders around the globe joint forces in networks to strengthen their sales and operations and to build new business relations.
All of this faded away when the largest network in the world was founded and switched this entirely to a game of numbers adding multiple agents in regions and degrading networking to a reality of volumes, quantities and opportunities rather than the real reason networks were originally created … generating a close cooperation’s between partners and not one night stands where you do not know with whom you will sleep the day after … forwarders together … companies join these organizations for one simple reason, receive as much business as possible without having to give something in return.
Our tradition of forwarding principles!
Today the Atlas Logistic Network is still applying the traditional “old” principles of our foundation in 1998 when we took off … building a real family for long term and not adding members for numbers … never showing up at conferences … investing minimal fees but requiring the network to give it all back … in our industry and in networking it simply does not work this way and I am sure you will share my thoughts.